Where Should You Focus Your Content?

With so many platforms and options for promoting your content, brands and companies are often left wondering where they should focus their efforts. Do I ride the TikTok wave? Take a tried and true Instagram approach? Or go all in on Youtube of Facebook Reels?

The easy answer is, ALL OF THEM

Producing content can be costly but the difference between producing a piece of content and repurposing that content for other platforms is very minimal. Yes, each platform has nuance and if you have the time/budget you would want specific content for each but for the average business, efficiency and scale are far more valuable than nuance.

To that end, why limit your scale? Instead focus on more efficiently producing content and increasing your productivity through better planning of your content.

How can you do that? By content stacking.

This is when you take a broader topic that can be broken down into smaller bite sized subsegments. For instance, if you are promoting a fitness program you might break that down into diet, exercise, supplements and scheduling. From here, you can produce one long form piece that might fit well for a standard YouTube video. From here you can take the 4 subsegments and make them into micro pieces of content. Each of these can then be replicated across multiple platforms.

Now you have taken a single piece of content and turned it into 17 – 25 pieces for a similar cost. This will exponentially increase your frequency of content deployment which will give you a massive boost in reach. This will also significantly increase the types of content you can test and learn from which will ultimately shape your ongoing strategy.

From here you can take the best performing pieces of content to inform multiple things such as a restructure your overall messaging, running paid media campaigns (based on messaging you already know resonates with your audience), and helping you narrow down on the products and offers that best resonate so you can double down on top performers.

Companies that produce more content are pulling way ahead of the competition and this will only increase as social and influencer marketing continues to dominate marketing. Developing a robust content strategy will be a huge factor in scaling your business and should not be overlooked. An investment in content is an investment in your brand.

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